For those of you who love writing and need to make some extra money to make ends meet, why not make money writing online. It really is not as difficult as you may think and while you won't become rich overnight, writing online can be rewarding both personally and financially. Here are some ways you can make money writing online. Write for Publishing/Web content Sites
The best and probably the easiest way to make money writing online is by signing up to write for a publishing or web content site. The beauty of these sites is that most of your articles will be readily accepted. However, the return starts out extremely small as you earn money based on the number of people who actually view your articles or by small upfront payments. You can earn a passive income from writing for these sites which can add up once you have published a lot of content.
There are several of these available and in some cases people make a fair amount of monthly income from these sites once they are established. What makes them worth using for new writers however, is that since you keep the rights to most if not all your articles you can use these sites to gain experience and build up a writing portfolio.
Professional Writing Sites
There are also a variety of professional writing sites on the internet. These sites usually ask that you take a writing test or submit a portfolio of your work. If hired, you then select articles you want to write from an open bin of client requests. When making money writing for professional writing sites it is essential that you follow the clients directions exactly and have good grammar and spelling skills.
These sites generally pay you once or twice a month after the client accepts your work. Writing for these sites means that the client purchases your article and that you may not publish it else where.
Freelance Writing Jobs
Another way to make money writing online is through freelance writing job sites. These sites vary in the way they work in some cases you have to become a member of their site, while in others you contact the client directly. These sites work by posting jobs clients want done and then you will find yourself bidding on those jobs sometimes against several other freelance writers looking for work. While some of these jobs pay extremely well the competition makes it difficult to get jobs on a regular basis.
Start Your Own Writing Website
Many freelancers make money writing online by building their own website where they post their writing experiences, contact information, and samples of their work and let customers seek out their services. The key to making money writing using your website is keeping your site in view of possible customers.
Writing online allows you to write a variety of articles from How to articles to product reviews to niche articles for customers. When you make money writing online you combine your love for writing with your need for extra income and in time this can open a whole new career for you as well.